In 1990, Andy Mandell and his brother Jerry co-founded the Defeat Diabetes Foundation. Andy who after being diagnosed with Diabetes in 1985 was faced with a choice whether to make drastic health changes or die. Through his aggressive self management and sound advice from a group of specialists, Andy began to rebound. He then launched an internet site called Defeatdiabetes.org. Since then, he has been educating the public about diabetes through The Defeat Diabetes internet website and through public appearances.
As the research says, any form of on-line support to a diabetic will result in better management of critical parameters to prevent future complications. This is particularly useful and relevant for those professionals who are high-risk for diabetes because of the lack of balance between work and life. Also, many people are unable to keep pace with doctor’s appointments and monitoring their illness.
According to Peter Emery, Director of Sales for Buyatimeshare.com, when Andy Mandell contacted Buyatimeshare.com asking for help, it seemed like a perfect fit because his father who already passed away was also a diabetes victim. The said vacation-related company has raised more than $5000.00 since the inception of the timeshare donation program.
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