Before choosing any specific place in that area to exchange your timeshare, you must decide which place you'll most likely want to visit. Most of the towns offer excellent access to fine dining, fishing, shopping, night life and world class beaches but they are different as night and day. Next, is to determine the best the time of the year to go and not to go. You'll find much greater timeshare exchange availability and some of the best travel bargains in September.
One of the best ways to exchange timeshares is through RCI. As an RCI member, the earlier you bank your week the more trading power you have. If you have a fixed week, just make sure you bank it at least 7 months in advance or more to strengthen your exchange power. On the other hand, if you have a floating or points based timeshare, ask your resort to deposit the most powerful week available. Also, always deposit your next year's week this year if you know you will not be using it at your home resort.
When you decide to spend your vacation in Los Cabos through timeshare exchange, remember that how far in advance you should request depends on many different factors and will differ with each timeshare owner. If you have a very powerful exchanging timeshare and you're requesting shoulder or off season, it's possible you'll be confirmed when you request. Most of the times, there will already be a waiting list to get into the top resorts. So, as a rule of thumb you should request as far in advance as possible.
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