One major thing that you need to keep in mind when you're at the presentation is not to be swayed by any slick marketing talk or any text plan your emotions. Be aware that you will be subjected to a high-pressure sales tactics after a presentation. Take note that the people doing the presentation, will not only make money on the sale, they may also get commissions well so it's in their interest to get a hard and fast sale as quickly as possible.
Thus, do a research before you consider owning a timeshare. Find out whether or not such properties are going to be a good long-term investment. Do not be swayed by flashy graphics during a presentation. Instead, ask the salesperson about such properties whether it fits what you are looking for in a timeshare. Something else you want to consider also is if they are willing to take you and show you the property that they want to sell you. Also find out if such vacation property requires extensive repairs or a property that is in a neighborhood that is not safe.
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