On the other hand, the Biloxi Planning Commission agreed for the proposal to change the use of the beach front tower from condominiums to timeshare units. According to Attorney Michael Cavanaugh, there won’t be any structural changes to the building and those property owners who want to stay in the building don’t have to join the plan to partner with Interval International to market and manage the units. He also added that the condo market has tanked in this area and may not be coming back anytime in the foreseeable future.
As one of the owners testified, converting to timeshare would almost double the value of their condo units and the timeshare company would pay for some of the maintenance and repairs at the property. However, the conversion of the said condo units to timeshares might be a good innovation for the condo owners in Biloxi but potential timeshare owners must also be warned of the financial responsibilities of timesharing. As a matter of fact, many owners nowadays are trying to get rid of their timeshares while some even hire a timeshare transfer company such as the Transfer Smart just to get rid of such property.
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