Saturday, July 30, 2011

Where to start

We all know that social networking is vital to every business out there. It wasn't too long ago that businesses decided that social networking was a way to increase revenue by using sites like Twitter and Facebook to funnel potential customers to their sites, but also for communication of new products. When Facebook launched in 2005, it started out as being the next Not to say that is a bad idea, but it actually was a precursor to what we have today, Facebook. With over 600 million members, it is the largest potential market for anyone to tap into- including internet marketers. Even if you end up with 1/2 of 1/10 of a percent of that market, you could leave your job and live comfortably for the rest of your life on the profits made just by tapping Facebook for business.

There are many different ways to use Facebook to bring customers to your business. But, it does take time and effort to do so. Patience and having the right tools are the keys to make this happen. The funny thing about internet marketing is that once you find something that works, it's good to stick with it or modify the process in order to create more wealth. Another thing is helping others to do the same. When there is a collective that's able to use these vehicle in the right way, everybody wins. So, where do you really start?

There are various methods of gaining friends. Some are really good and some are questionable. Then you have ways that just piss people off. But, that's really where you want to begin. Gaining friends means gaining potential customers who can buy products from you. Also, you really need to be realistic about how promote you product. You don't want to promote something that doesn't work with a "money back guarantee". When you say those words, you are saying that you believe in your product and are willing to show how much. So, be sure to pick something good before placing something like that in your website.

Using affiliate marketing is the best way to go. There are tons of programs that are out there for you to join and find products. Do your research to find out what kind of products are going to make you the kind of money you're wanting to make. There are tools out there for you that are free and give you the ability to have some kind of leverage in marketing. As far as the types of tools available, I will give you some ideas in latter posts. For now, do your research and find out how you can leverage Facebook and make some money.

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